Isabelle is a fourth-year General Management student at Lakehead University’s Thunder Bay campus and is very proud to have been elected President of FoBSA for the 2021/22 year. Isabelle was a part of the original organization of FoBSA in 2020, and previously held the position of Vice President in 2020/21. She currently works as the Operations Manager of the local restaurants The Growing Season and Rebel Salad, where she has been leading the company’s expansion into food manufacturing and product development. In her spare time, Isabelle volunteers through Lions International and also helped begin Lakehead University’s Lakehead Campus Lions Club in 2018. She is a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community, a supporter of the arts, and continuously works towards empowering women and students in the workplace. Her goals this year are to bring back the community that Lakehead has to offer through in-person learning and events, increase student case competition participation (and compete in some herself, of course!), and establish a great legacy to leave behind for FoBSA after graduation.